Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Little Bit of Sue...

Alright so in between my day at work and my studying for APUSH [ugh :[ please save me], I decided it was time for an entry on the one and only... Sue Sylvester. Personally, she's one of my favorite characters and I love her quotes. They're so full of wisdom ;]

Here's a lovely collection of Sue Sylvester quotes...any favorites of yours or any I'm missing?

CAUTION: May be slightly offensive. But...that's Sue :]

Sue: I will go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat. I will let you fall in love with that kitty cat. And then on some dark, cold night I will steal away into your home and punch you in the face!

Sue: My parents were famous Nazi hunters, so they weren't around a lot.

Sue: I just lost my train of thought because you have so much margarine in your hair.

Sue: You think this hard. I'm passing a gallstone as we speak. That is hard!

Sue: What would Madonna do? Well, the answer to that question would normally be: date a younger man.

Sue: Get ready for the ride of your life Will Schuester. You're about to board the Sue Sylvester Express. Destination horror!

Sue: All I want is just one day a year when I'm not visually assaulted by uglies and fatties.

Sue: You think this was hard? Try auditioning for Baywatch and being told they're going in another direction. That was hard.

Sue: I empower my Cheerios to live in fear by creating an environment of irrational, random terror.

Sue: I don't trust a man with curly hair. I can't help but picture little birds laying sulfurous eggs in there, and it disgusts me.

Sue: I always thought the desire to procreate showed deep personal weakness.

Oh Sue...always the politically incorrect one. Well, until Tuesday!



  1. lol, Emily you made my day with this post. Also I find it amusing that people like Sue so much because of the things she says. Perhaps it's that non-filter that she has that makes people want to be like her

  2. I'd have to agree wholeheartedly!!! It's her ability to say anything and everything she matter how gross or awkward :] I absolutely love it. And she's just crazy :] haha
