Thursday, April 15, 2010

Glee Clubs...The Object of Humiliation?

In high school there are always going to be cliques-- the jocks from the artists, the nerds from the loners. How do we decide who gets these labels? Who gave themselves the power to typecast every person into a specific category?

Somewhere along the line, the musicians and artsy kids became nerdy. Their talent became overlooked and insignificant as the athletes came into power. Sports movies and television shows like Remember the Titans, Hoosiers, and Friday Night Lights were empowering boys to get involved in sports and girls to fall in love with the major players. Now a days, the tides are turning as musicals are more popular than ever before and the television show Glee is climbing to the top of the charts in both TV and music.

Combining an intricate plot line with sporadic and energetic dance numbers along with covers of famous hits from the classics [Don't Stop Believing, Sweet Caroline, and Imagine] to the songs burning up the Billboard 100 Charts [Take A Bow, No Air, My Life Would Suck Without You], Glee club is changing from nerdy to fabulous, bringing together underdogs from every kind of background and combining them to form a dynamic show choir, New Directions.


  1. Emily
    one I'm rather amused with your topic choice
    two, do you think that we have this at Roncalli?

  2. Thanks EB :]

    Honestly, no I don't think we have this problem at Roncalli per say, but I think that it is a problem in other schools that do not have much emphasis on anything except athletics.

    Personally...I love fine arts just as much as I love football! :D

  3. As someone obsessed with Glee, I personally can't wait to see what you add to this blog! I love how the Glee club includes all: from geeks to divas to jocks to drama queens!!

  4. I agree whole-heartedly Claire! That's the beauty of Glee clubs--there's a culmination of people from every kind of group that come together to show their talents :]
