Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My thoughts..

Firstly I'd like to give a shout out today to my AP Lang class...during our fire drill today some of us were discussing how weird words sound when you repeat them multiple times. Kudos to us sounding silly :] [PS...try it! Scissors is such a weird word...]

Anyway, back to the topic. GLEE WAS ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC LAST NIGHT!! Anyone agree or disagree? If you disagree, I will be extremely upset with you. :P The songs were fabulous...there was A House is Not a Home performed by Kurt, Fire and One Less Bell to Answer performed by Mr. Schu and Kristen Chenoweth [EEK..again..another reason why this episode was FABULOUS!], Home performed by Kristen Chenoweth, and Mercedes' heart wrenching rendition of Beautiful.

Ahh. That right there is the sound of great appreciation and satisfaction. Personally, my favorite song of the night was Fire. Beautiful rendition of the song originally by The Pointer Sisters.

This episode was centered around Kurt and his feelings for Finn. Could be kind of awkward to some...but it was pretty amusing and sad at the same time. I won't give any spoilers away...but there's some serenading, some falling in love, and some awkward exchanges. Who doesn't love watching awkward encounters!? :]

Mercedes had a huge role in the episode as well. This second half of the first season has been extremely successful in delving into the lives of the other Glee characters. Mercedes is told by Sue that she must lose 10 pounds in a week to stay on the Cheerios squad. Quinn [by the way...where the heck has she been?] talks to Mercedes and is [shocker] nice! Then Mercedes sings her cover of Christina Aguilera's Beautiful. This was definitely the feel good moment of the episode.

Pressure to be skinny...difficulty with relationships...finding love...yep basically sums up my teenage life so far. I'm not 100% certain, but I think there's a lot of that at Roncalli and every other high school across the nation. It's not just one group of people who suffer from these problems--it's all across the board. So if you think you're you-know-what don't stank and you don't have problems.. well, you've got a major reality check coming to you [or as my dad calls it, a "Come to Jesus meeting"]. Life is not easy, and no one ever said it would be, but that's why we have friends and groups of people we can connect with to make this ship sail a little more smoothly.

Well, off to study. Oh the joys of school :P
18 days of school left [before finals] for anyone who's counting!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Little Bit of Sue...

Alright so in between my day at work and my studying for APUSH [ugh :[ please save me], I decided it was time for an entry on the one and only... Sue Sylvester. Personally, she's one of my favorite characters and I love her quotes. They're so full of wisdom ;]

Here's a lovely collection of Sue Sylvester quotes...any favorites of yours or any I'm missing?

CAUTION: May be slightly offensive. But...that's Sue :]

Sue: I will go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat. I will let you fall in love with that kitty cat. And then on some dark, cold night I will steal away into your home and punch you in the face!

Sue: My parents were famous Nazi hunters, so they weren't around a lot.

Sue: I just lost my train of thought because you have so much margarine in your hair.

Sue: You think this hard. I'm passing a gallstone as we speak. That is hard!

Sue: What would Madonna do? Well, the answer to that question would normally be: date a younger man.

Sue: Get ready for the ride of your life Will Schuester. You're about to board the Sue Sylvester Express. Destination horror!

Sue: All I want is just one day a year when I'm not visually assaulted by uglies and fatties.

Sue: You think this was hard? Try auditioning for Baywatch and being told they're going in another direction. That was hard.

Sue: I empower my Cheerios to live in fear by creating an environment of irrational, random terror.

Sue: I don't trust a man with curly hair. I can't help but picture little birds laying sulfurous eggs in there, and it disgusts me.

Sue: I always thought the desire to procreate showed deep personal weakness.

Oh Sue...always the politically incorrect one. Well, until Tuesday!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Hello all you beautiful cyber world people...most of which who are sitting in my classroom as I write this. :]

I find it all too appropriate to begin my entry with a quote from Madonna...

“I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art.”

Why else would I begin my entry with a Madonna quote? Well if you don't know why by now, then I'm not exactly sure why you are reading my blog. But thanks anyway :]

So does anyone else think that Glee last night was absolutely spectacular? I'm not even the hugest Madonna fan like Sue Sylvester, but it was pretty epic.

My top 3 songs:
1. Vogue
2. Like a Prayer
3. Like a Virgin

And then that cover of "What It Feels Like For A Girl" by the men of New Directions-- ABSOLUTELY beautiful and great harmonies. Wow. I was not disappointed last night by the newest Glee.

Tying back into the earlier Madonna quote, I feel like more people need to see themselves as their own work of art. There are billions of people in the world, and yet no one is just like me or just like you--that's called INDIVIDUALITY. High school is full of cliques and groups [not to be picking on anyone, but especially girls] who try to be just like everyone else. Why do we do that? Why can't we accept who we are for what we are and rock that instead?

On last night's episode, three people were struggling with losing their "V-card." They were being pressured into doing something they may not have wanted to do, or they did it and regretted it afterward. Madonna is a great, powerful influence because she is her own woman and stands for individuality and independence. The Glee characters, especially Rachel, were struggling with their identities last night as some decided to give something up that they can never get back. While Madonna is an infamous sex-symbol, she's also a symbol of power. So since we love to emulate celebrities and other people, take after Madonna and BE YOUR OWN PERSON. That's what this life is all about right? :]

Well that's all for right now. I'll leave you with some Sue Sylvester wisdom
Until my next post :]


^^This is actually a cool side-by-side video of Sue's Vogue and Madonna's's basically perfection. Enjoy ;]

Monday, April 19, 2010

After a long weekend...

...I came back to my blog to see that I have 14 followers! Yay!!!! I love you all :]

Okay's Tuesday... so all of my fellow Gleeks know what that means! Not only is a brand new episode of Glee on tonight, but it's an episode centered around Madonna. My expectations can be explained in one simple word. Epic.

Alright, so on one of my last entries, I received a comment from the lovely Claire Curtis that stated how she loves that Glee is so diverse. I thank you Claire because that was actually going to be leading into one of my next topics!

Diversity. While Roncalli is not too racially diverse, the activities that everyone participates in can easily throw individuals into cliques--whether knowingly or unknowingly.

For instance: My freshman year of volleyball was unbelievably fun and enjoyable. My team gelled together so well that we formed a sisterhood of sorts. It was hard not to with all the hours spent together training. Everyone wants to be a part of something, and when they become included, it can be hard to let that go.

For athletes, it can be difficult to branch out to anything different--especially somewhat successful athletes who are afraid of failure like I was. It's that fear though that became my driving force to try something different. After I finished my volleyball career, I decided I enjoyed the fine arts sector of the school much more than the sweaty gym I had spent countless early mornings in. Fine arts, choir kids, musicians, artists seem to be more accepting-- but that doesn't mean there aren't drama or diva attitudes.

What I'm trying to convey is that for the most part, show choirs and other fine arts groups tend to be more accepting of all kinds of people. The Glee kids are made up of football players, cheerleaders, unsocial people, and goths. Glee club is a way to fit in when you feel like you're standing on the outside.

Well that's all for now!
Off to watch Glee kids perform Madonna songs :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Gleeks get Slushied

This is a fun little clip that I found on YouTube that shows various times that the Gleeks get "slushied." Rachel, the prima donna diva, gets slushied by the cool kids the most as this video shows.

Honestly...this is not a big problem at Roncalli because we're not allowed to have slushies during school except in the lunchroom..and I'm pretty sure I've never heard of this actually happening. If anything, the most bullying that goes on at Roncalli is verbal and behind-the-back comments. Any comments on this? Maybe I'm living in my own little world not noticing things...because that's been known to happen.

Anyway, tomorrow is Monday..which means that the next Glee episode is in one day!
Goodbye for now, cyber world :]

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Glee Clubs...The Object of Humiliation?

In high school there are always going to be cliques-- the jocks from the artists, the nerds from the loners. How do we decide who gets these labels? Who gave themselves the power to typecast every person into a specific category?

Somewhere along the line, the musicians and artsy kids became nerdy. Their talent became overlooked and insignificant as the athletes came into power. Sports movies and television shows like Remember the Titans, Hoosiers, and Friday Night Lights were empowering boys to get involved in sports and girls to fall in love with the major players. Now a days, the tides are turning as musicals are more popular than ever before and the television show Glee is climbing to the top of the charts in both TV and music.

Combining an intricate plot line with sporadic and energetic dance numbers along with covers of famous hits from the classics [Don't Stop Believing, Sweet Caroline, and Imagine] to the songs burning up the Billboard 100 Charts [Take A Bow, No Air, My Life Would Suck Without You], Glee club is changing from nerdy to fabulous, bringing together underdogs from every kind of background and combining them to form a dynamic show choir, New Directions.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Wonderful World of Glee -- REVISED!

As any other Glee fanatic would know, the season premiere for the spring just aired on Tuesday, April 13, 2009, at 9:28 pm...not to be exact or anything.

SO--Mrs. Sander is requiring us to create a blog over...well basically anything. So here it goes...

Subject: Glee clubs--in real life and on television.

Guiding Question: How much does being in a glee club or show choir negatively or positively affect one's life as is portrayed in the television show? How accurate is the TV portrayal of life for glee club/"uncool" kids in high school? Is society coming full circle, shifting more power to the artists and musicians?

Rationale: Glee's tagline reads, "A biting comedy for the underdog in all of us." The best part about this TV show is that it truly portrays what its tagline states. The choir/glee/band kids never seem to get the recognition they deserve for their talent. Glee is all about glorifying those kids who get picked on and pushed around in high school and how it affects them later on in life. I am curious as to how these actions actually play out in high school according to cliques. I am aiming to come up with a conclusion that explains how glee kids are no different from any other kid involved in extracurriculars. I mainly want to show how these applications play out in the real world.

And so my journey to the center of the choir clique begins!