Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Final Blog... :[

I won't lie...I've been having a good time with this blogging. Thanks Mrs. Sander :]

1) I am a respectful mind.
The respectful mind notes and welcomes differences between human individuals and between human groups, tries to understand these "others," and seeks to work effectively with them.

I try to see different points of view while I also display my point of view. In this blog I have written summaries of the Glee episodes with my opinions on them and then I have connected them to real life--well my life atleast. In Glee there are many stereotypes and problems that happen in real life, but usually they are more dramaticized [then again..that's TV]. I have drawn many parallels to Glee's high school and Roncalli, but at smaller intensities. I am accepting that people make mistakes and go through rough times in their lives that lead to different ways of coping. In Glee's world, they get through the rough times by singing. Ironically, I do too! :]

2) I have exhibited curiosity, generated hypotheses, and exhibited respect for other viewpoints.

Exhibited Curiosity: In general, I am a curious person. I can't think of a time when random questions are not running through my mind. I'm curious as to why high school absolutely stinks sometimes. I'm curious as to why there are mean girls and boys who think they're better than other people. I'm curious as to why we have passion and strong feelings for things we love and hate. That's just how I'm getting through my life. I have asked many rhetorical questions in this blog because they show what I am thinking of and what I want others to think of.

Generated Hypotheses: I have come up with many hypotheses in the time frame of my blogging.
-Fine Arts kids are usually more accepting of people because talent is spread across a wide variety of people in general.
-Life is not easy and it's full of pressures. Sorry, they're never going away.
-Rumors will happen. I make mistakes, you make mistakes, and everyone else around you makes mistakes.
-Labeling stinks...and yet it's almost impossible to make it go away.
That's life. Gotta live it :]

Respect for Other View Points: It's important to take in both sides of situations. One-sided arguments or situations tend to not go over well, espcially if they are disrespectful to the other side. It is also important to have more information about the subject by learning both sides. That guarantees a more intelligent point of view. I have developed a habit to be able to look at both sides of the spectrum in high school to allow for more understanding. There are reasons for all the crazy things that go on in Glee, just as there are reasons for the crazy things in life.

3)Developing my blog was one of the most fun things I have done in an English class. I love posting and seeing comments on my writing. Even if I'm the only person who is looking at my blog on a daily basis, I still enjoy it. Blogging is kind of like keeping an online journal that is public. It's nice to think that I can freely state my opinions, even if no one else shows interest in them. I learned how to incorporate exciting features onto my blog, and that maybe I will continue a blog at some point. I also really like the smartprettyawkward.com blog that Mrs. Sander showed us.

Well that's all for now folks. Who knows...maybe I'll continue blogging until the Glee season is over. Well...Glee is on tonight!!!! :]


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